Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hello there gentle readers (and at this point, an optimistic guess would put my readership at 3 people).  Anyway, at the moment there's no point apologizing for my frequent absences of late, because I probably won't be posting much for the next month either.  Why?  Well, if you must know, Garment Thread HQ will once again be relocating (across the waters this time) and that coupled with working two jobs has left me with very little energy to devote to this humble blog.  So let's make a date to meet up in July at my new European digs shall we?  In the meantime here are a few snaps I've been keeping from you this month.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Much in the same way that my collection of statement necklaces has exploded since I began working at a certain store, my collection of rompers has doubled.  To be fair, I only owned two rompers before starting this job, so doubling the collection wasn't very hard.  This got major compliments from my coworkers, most of whom apparently didn't think much of this particular item before I wore it today.