Thursday, October 1, 2020

October Full Moon Report

Happy Full Moon in Aries everyone! 

An Aries Full Moon brings together the energies of Aries and Libra, Mars and Venus, War and Peace, Self and Other. 

Maybe this is a time for looking at when and where you put yourself before others and/or vice versa. Libra is the sign of partnership, Aries is the sign of the individual, so a theme that might be coming up for you is how to balance these opposing forces - remember, Full Moons are always about a balance of opposite signs. In addition, the key phrase for Libra is “I Balance”, it’s sign is the scales, but balance is a process of making tiny adjustments in relation to what life throws at you and not a mythical unchanging state of “being balanced”. Make sure your scales are not weighted too heavily on one side or the other.

I spoke previously about the current Mars retrograde in Aries, and this means that the Planet of war is at it’s closest to the Earth right now heating up tempers (the fact that Mars is so near the Earth in it’s orbit is what is causing it to appear to move backwards in the sky). One of the lessons of this time is choosing your battles. What could use a bit of Libran diplomacy and tactfulness, and what battles need Mars’ righteous fury? Remember, there is a time for both, and there are some very big battles for the collective good that need to be fought at the moment and at the same time there are also a lot of trivial squabbles we may be tempted to engage in that would benefit from a little more sensitivity. Libra is the sign of social justice after all, but it’s also the peacemaker and right now the trick is knowing which is being called for.

May any anger you’re experiencing right now be a sacred rage and not an ego driven temper tantrum 

Much love, L