Friday, January 16, 2009

Yikes! I look frightfully blocky and waistless in this picture. This was rather a difficult outfit. It seemed equally awkward with the shirt tucked in or left out. I ended up going with tucked in, but this picture (which I took after I got off work) is making me rethink my choice. The sweater is Behnaz Sarafpour for Target. It is the only item I bought from that particular collection. The stripy t-shirt I got at Dumpster Values in Olympia. After a careful inspection of the inside, I would venture to say that it started life with a different silhouette, perhaps as a dress. The skirt is from Topshop in Belfast. It was the first time I was introduced to their insane summer sales at that store. I think the skirt was £2 and when I brought it to the register the sales girl informed me of the sign that said "Buy one get one free". I'm not sure where I got the tights (other than out of my massive container of tights). They're a bit weird, they're quite heavy and feel a bit like they should be opaque, yet as you can see here they come across looking sheer.

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