Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lazy Saturday

I bought this shirt in Edinburgh. I can't remember the name of the store, but as I recall it was sort of a vintage clothing/collectibles store that was decorated well (again, I couldn't tell you what it actually looked like, but I remember thinking "This is a cool little store"). The pants you already know, but I will talk about them a bit anyway, as you can really see studding detail here. It sort of reminds me of a sailor pant in this picture though not so much at all in real life. I am so pleased with these jeans, which you may have guessed by the frequency of their outings, but its beginning to get to the point where my friends are going to start saying "Enough with the grey jeans already!" I also worn the necklace on more than one occasion, so as you can see I've been a bit lax on the whole not wearing the same thing twice rule.

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