Happy New Moon in Virgo!
A Virgo New Moon is normally a good time to set intentions around starting healthy habits; committing to daily routines or rituals; starting projects that require a high level of attention to detail.
These are all great things to think about today, but I wanted to bring a bit of attention to another astrological transit that is going on at the moment: Mars retrograde. This started last week and continues until Nov 13. When Mars goes retrograde (every two years), it’s movement as seen from Earth, appears to travel backwards. This can give us a feeling of a lack of forward momentum, of things slowing down or projects hitting a wall and because Mars is retrograding in Aries, the sign of it’s rulership, it looks like this retrograde could be an extra intense one. If Aries is particularly prominent in your chart this is likely going to cause some major frustration (Aries is not known for it’s patience), but people with prominent Libra, Capricorn and/or Cancer in their natal charts will probably also feel the effects of this transit more than others.
Many astrologers have been talking about how tempers will flare at this time and while that is true, I think it’s more complex than that - How do you react when your plans are thwarted or things you want are subject to delay? For some people that might be with rage, but for others it might be a feeling of helplessness or depression.
At this time the best course of action might be to go back to those Virgo themes of routine, attention to detail and service to the greater good (Virgo is after all the sign of the virgin, but in the sense of the Vestal Virgin temple priestesses of Ancient Greece, rather than our current definition of the word). Keep it simple and try not to take anything personally right now. Your plans will eventually start moving ahead again and will probably be all the better for this period of rethinking and revision.
May you all experience some calmness and peace at this time
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