Thursday, December 31, 2009

Well here it is, Dec 31st, back where we started. This time last year I set out a lot of big goals for myself in regards to this blog, most of which I did not accomplish. My life has not taken a dramatic turn for the better (or worse thank god), there will be no forthcoming book or movie deal (not that I would ever want such a thing). I managed to part with a few garments (though not nearly as many as my friends and family would have liked) and got reacquainted with some old favorites. I did not end up wearing every item of clothing I own - I did not really end up coming anywhere close for a variety of reasons. But none of that really matters, because somehow I was able to stick with this thing for a whole year! This time last year I was borrowing my dad's laptop and my mom's camera and couldn't imagine that I would last through February, so as far as I'm concerned making it this far (with my own recently acquired laptop and camera) is pretty damned good. Nevertheless, I set myself the limit of a year to get my clothing affairs in order and carrying on any longer than that just sort of seems a bit vain. At some point I'll probably feel the need to start blogging some new clothing related enthusiasms, but for now I think I have earned myself a nice long break. Thank you to everyone who shared a bit of the year with me. It's going to feel very strange not worrying about whether I have already worn a particular sweater or not.

1 comment:

  1. Lovin ur style & cann't wait 2 U post more! Happy New Year & thanx 4 ur visit and comment on my blog <3
